
What is the source of all the hatred in the world today?

My answer to What is the source of all the hatred in the world today?

Answer by David Cornblatt:

The source of hatred is from people not allowing themselves to respect others views. Hatred or not liking something is a judgement. Each person has their own ideas of good & bad, right & wrong and so on.

When people believe that there is only one reality that we all share, instead of everyone having their own reality, that is where frictions starts. Because if think I am so smart that I “know” THE reality (which is really my reality), then the way that I see things should be the way the world see things.

We can respect someones ideas and also not like them. Usama Ben Laden for instance to take it to an extreme, I respect his passion and his drive, however what he stands for I do not accept.

I feel that if people understand where someone is coming from and try to understand it from their prospective, then you can communicate about it in the framework that both they and I see it in.

Nothing has any truth (meaning) to it. As I see the world NOTHING has any meaning to it except the meaning I give it, you give it, or the man on the moon gives it. So who is correct? We all are! So what is the meaning of anything? Only what each person wants it to be. The meaning we give things is based off of our lives experiences, our fears and our ego. We have been trained from childhood that everything has truth. So because we see truth in “everything”, you have yours and I have mine, and because we both see the truth as “real” we fight over what the truth really is. Once again, there is no truth. Allow people to have their own truth, ask questions about, discuss it, lear about it and perhaps your truth will evolve and have more depth as you take a piece of “their” truth and add it to yours!

As a child I was born Jewish, as a Jew I looked at other religions as inferior, in fact, I would refer to Jesus “as the captain of the other team” like our arch rivals! As i learned and became more spiritual, I realized that any organized religion was not for me. When I let go of religion, I found a whole wealth of great information, thoughts and ideas, from my arch rival’s captain, Jesus, like “ As man thinkers, so shall he be” or from Buddha “pain comes from our attachment to people, places, things and Ideas”

As I changed my view on religion, I not only got rid of my anger, but I found a couple of cool guys I can get nuggets of information from.

By the way, I don’t follow them, or their ways, I use their ideas and incorporate them with mine to create MY own way. Which is a pretty awesome way!

Respect others ideas and opinions, take from them what feels good to you, and use it. Trying to make someone believe that your way is the only / or best way promotes resistance, anger, hate and so on. Respect = Love

I hope that you can take a piece of my way and incorporate into your way to create more smiles and happiness!

Make today GREAT!
