Are you getting what you want yet, out of life?

If you came to my site, you are probably like many people, you are not getting exactly what you want in life (Personal and business).  Many of us don’t even know what we want!  I will help you see this, and show you how to harness YOUR ability to create it! Actually, you already have the answers, I just help you wake them up! Are you ready to live your life the way you desire? Or do you want to continue wondering why, and living in stress? The CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS!

My Mission: To help people become aware of their true desires and show them how to harness their POWER to MAKE THEIR DESIRES THEIR REALITY!

My Goal: To open people’s eyes in to other “realities” or “ways” that they can use to get whatever they desire.  I give them the tools so that they don’t need me, any-thing or any one besides their SELF.

What things do I help people with?

  • Why are all the men / women I date crazy / unfaithful / needy / selfish
  • I struggling financially
  • I am having issues with my significant other
  • I am not getting what I want
  • I am having issues with my child
  • What do you think about this idea or product
  • I am depressed / not happy
  • My business is struggling
  • I am always sick
  • I have too much angry

What I don’t do 

I don’t use big words or far out concepts, I speak in plain english.  I don’t use stones, oils, or anything that is not with you each and every day.  I don’t use symbols or anything that is predefined, like rituals.  I am not here to show you how I do it, JUST to make you feel better.

“Creating a positive outcome in your life is impossible, from a negative state of mind”

What do I do?

Having been to many therapists and practitioners throughout the first half of my life, I have sat with “clock watchers”, “note takers”, “quiet talkers” and “so how does that make you feel’rs”.  I never felt confident that my time with them would ever end.  I would end my time with them as I never felt as if I was making significant progress. I developed a way to work with people in a way that I would like to be worked with.  So this is typically my process:

  • I uncover the underlying issue, and help you understand it
  • I explain to you why it is there, and why it was necessary (at the time)
  • We look at why the pattern is no longer needed
  • I give you examples and concepts to get clarity
  • I give you one item to focus on for progress (one is all you need)
  • I give you ways to make sure that you focus on this every day
  • We focus on progress and not perfection

Throughout my engagement with you, you will get many eye-opening ideas and concepts, to show you factual examples to show you that what you are doing WILL WORK.

I am not a life coach, a business advisor, or therapist, however I do many things that you get from them, from a different vantage point.

What’s in it for me? I have found that my desire is to help people and effect their life in a positive way.  This is MY DESIRE, as helping people gives me the most satisfaction, and greatest feeling inside me that I have ever experienced in my life. 

I have been so fortunate to work with hundreds of people over the years and see in to many people’s “realities.” Because of this, I realize that there is no such thing as a “best way” the best way is what you define as YOUR best way, and I will help you see this!

This site and will give you the following:

Real life experiences for you to reflect on and learn from

Tips and tricks that I have developed, taught and use to grow

Resources to continue your growth

A way to contact me if you would like to make an appointment

Wishing you the best,


Phone (561)316-6996 or Davidcornblatt at

Click here for more info and goodies!



“Our problems are never the issues at hand, it is our thoughts and feelings about the issues. When we look at the issue in a different way, the issue becomes our friend”  David Cornblatt

“Pain is the difference between our gut and our ego, when we are in align our intentions and our actions with our gut, we live in happiness” David Cornblatt

“When we were born we were free, when we were children, we were happy, when we were teens we were confused, as adults we are still confused. The only thing outside of our physical bodies that has changed, is our minds. We mimic the beliefs and ways of our family and friends. We have been hypnotized in what to think and how to be. We know that our way is the best way because it is our only frame of reference.” David Cornblatt

“When I was married, I was the smartest person on the earth as I proclaimed! I thought that there was one reality and I knew about it best. As time when on and I studied myself, I realized that everyone has their own reality and it is both very similar and very different to others’ realities. Meaning this, each of our realities is based on our own life experiences.  While it may seem that we are all similar, we are, but each of our experiences also make us uniquely different.” David Cornblatt

While we may have never met, I hope that I what you have read has inspired you.  I want you to be happy and living the life you have only dreamed about.  However you take action, make YOUR move, as no one else can do this for you.  I don’t care if it is me or some else who gives you guidance, do this for you, YOU DESERVE IT!

With warmest thoughts,


Email or call me for more information or an appointment.

Phone (561)316-6996 or Davidcornblatt at